Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Lesson 6: The Gospel of Jesus Christ

The gospel of Jesus Christ is faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, repentance, baptism, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, & enduring to the end.

"Gospel" is a word that I threw around A LOT growing up. I threw it around in talks and in seminary and in Sunday School. But my understanding of "the gospel of Jesus Christ" was very vague. Before my mission "the gospel" was this kind of blob that involved things like reading the scriptures, keeping the Sabbath holy, having faith, and doing what Jesus would do, etc.

So when Brother Doxey defined the gospel of Jesus Christ in our first lesson at the MTC, my mind was blown! What? THIS is what the gospel is? It's so simple! And it encompasses EVERYTHING we believe in the church. It encompasses all the commandments, it encompasses using the Atonement in our lives, serving others, etc. It's PERFECT.

The pattern of faith, repentance, baptism, receiving the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end is presented time and time again in the scriptures. I remember one day I was reading Alma 32, which is a great sermon on faith. But then I discovered something amazing--Alma 33 . . . and Alma 34! Alma and Amulek didn't just teach the Zoramites about faith. They taught them about faith (how it's like a seed and needs nurturing, but that as you nourish it your faith is strengthened), and about repentance!

After teaching the people about faith in chapter 32 the people basically said, "Faith sounds great! But how can I get it?"

So Alma teaches them about repentance. Repentance means we not only stop doing what's wrong, but we start doing what's right. He taught them about prayer, studying the scriptures, and attending church. Why? Because keeping the commandments and bringing our lives in line with God's will through repentance is how we build our faith. It takes faith to pray when you aren't really sure if God is there or listening. It takes faith to study the scriptures because you believe it will help your family draw closer together. It takes faith to overcome your fears about being judged at church and go.

As a missionary, I was blessed to get to help people develop faith in Jesus Christ and repent. Some people chose to be baptized, others chose not to. But if their faith grew, I knew I was fulfilling my purpose. I got to be there when a woman prayed out loud for the first time and afterwards said she felt like there was a God who loved her. I got to feel the contentions in a busy household dissipate as the mother read the Book of Mormon. And I got to see people who swore they'd never come to church come and feel the Spirit there. It was awesome. :)

I'm grateful for the Gospel of Jesus Christ and I know that it's for everyone. It's just like Nephi says in 2 Nephi 31:32 to end his sermon on the Gospel of Jesus Christ: "And now, behold, my beloved brethren, this is the way; and there is none other way nor name given under heaven whereby man can be saved in the kingdom of God. And now, behold, this is the doctrine of Christ, and the only and true doctrine of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, which is one God, without end. Amen."

So, if any of you are feeling particularly brave here's a challenge I received from my mission President. Buy a new copy of the Book of Mormon (one of the soft cover blue ones is $2.50 at store.lds.org) and go through marking anything relating to the gospel of Jesus Christ. So any reference to faith, repentance, baptism, the gift of the Holy Ghost, or enduring to the end. See what you learn & notice. :)

And in case you missed it, here is latest original song. :)

I hope you all have a great week!

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