Monday, July 7, 2014

Lesson 5: People are different, but we all have an important purpose.

Not sure this post is going to make a ton of sense, but I'm still going to take a whack at sharing my feelings about how awesome it is that we're all different and how we all have a purpose and how our differences can help us fulfill our purpose. :)

My mission was a valuable, amazing experience for many reasons. But one of the biggest blessings and challenges of my mission was working with a lot of different people. As a missionary you're constantly pushed outside your comfort zone and you interact with people you might not normally interact with.

I didn't always understand my companions--why they did what they did, how they reacted to situations. I'm sure they didn't always understand me either. But I can honestly say that my mission is where I started to really love people. Moreover, I started to love people because of our differences.

I'm not exactly sure when this change occurred. I think it happened gradually. But when it did happen, I no longer dreaded going out and talking to strangers. The thought made me excited! Getting to meet so many different people from so many different walks of life is one of the greatest blessings of my mission. I met University football players, professors, homeless men & women, carnival workers, immigrants--people from all walks of life. And one of my favorite parts of the mission was hearing their stories, their perspectives, why they do what they do.

I learned that even though each one of us is different and unique, we're all here for the same purpose--to learn and grow and become like our Heavenly Father. And our Heavenly Father has tailor-made our journey. In the Oct. 2013 General Conference, Elder Richard J. Maynes said this, "Brothers and sisters, we have a loving Heavenly Father who has designed our earthly existence so that we can individually learn the lessons we need to learn to qualify for eternal life in His presence."

Our life is tailored for our specific needs. So getting to talk with others and hear their experiences, their struggles, their concerns--and then helping them understand that those experiences have been given for a purpose was very rewarding. Because even though we're all different, we're all trying for the same thing--to be happy, to be loved. Sometimes people don't know where to find that though. But that is where the gospel of Jesus Christ comes in. It is the only way to lasting peace and lasting happiness in this world. No matter who I met or what their trials were, I knew the gospel of Jesus Christ is what would help them achieve their potential and find and keep happiness.

Another, related lesson to all of this is that Heavenly Father can and will use our unique gifts, talents, and quirks to help others as we go throughout our life. In D&C section 46 the Savior is speaking to Joseph Smith about the gifts of the Spirit and He makes this revealing statement in verses 11 and 12.

"For all have not every gift given unto them; for there are many gifts, and to every man is given a gift by the Spirit of God. To some is given one, and to some is given another, that all may be profited thereby."

Isn't that awesome? Each one of us have been given a gift, a talent, something special and unique. And God expects us to use and share those gifts and talents so that all will be benefited. Because we are unique and different, we all have something unique and different to bring to this world. God wants and expects us to seek to understand our gifts and use them to help His children.

Something I've struggled with since getting home from my mission is finding my purpose. How can I use the talents God has given me to help others? I'm slowly figuring it out . . . I think. Haha. But on Sunday I found this really cool video that I wanted to share.

So, know that you're loved! Know that you are unique! Know that you have talents and gifts to offer the world that only you can offer!:D

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