Sunday, June 15, 2014

Lesson 2: Happiness comes from the inside--it's a choice.

The second lesson I learned on my mission is this: Happiness comes from the inside--it's a choice.

This is a concept I think we're all familiar with, but it never really sunk into me until my mission. When I lived for 18 months without watching TV, or surfing the internet, or getting on Facebook, or listening to music I like, I learned something very important about myself. I'm not defined by what's around me. I'm not defined by the music I like, what I do for a living, the TV shows I watch, or how well I do in Mario Kart (but let's be honest, I'm kind of a boss at Mario Kart. ;D). And I was happy without those things. I lived a full & happy 18 months without those things.

True & lasting happiness comes from living true principles. Prayer. Studying the scriptures. Serving others. Seeking truth. These are all things that bring happiness. And there are countless others as well. But, each of these things is a choice. I can choose to forgive someone who's done me wrong. I can choose to pray. I can choose to have faith. I can choose to be happy, no matter what my external circumstances are.

As a missionary there are plenty of situations & people that could make you miserable if you let them. People you love & care about suddenly say they don't want you coming over anymore. Having plans fall through. People you don't know mocking the beliefs that are most precious to you. Yeah, there's a lot to get you down. And that's how it is in the world--if you don't believe it, go & watch the news. (20 bonus points for whoever names that Children's Hymn!) ;) Yeah, there's a lot of stuff that could get us down.

But the Lord has commanded us to "Be of good cheer." (John 16:33, D&C 61:36, D&C 68:6, etc.) There are seriously TONS of references where the Lord tells His people to Be of Good Cheer.

I wrote this quote from President Thomas S. Monson in the front of my Preach My Gospel, from his talk in the October 2013 General Conference. It captures what I think about being of good cheer and choosing happiness and faith.

"The history of the Church in this, the dispensation of the fulness of times, is replete with the experiences of those who have struggled and yet who have remained steadfast and of good cheer. The reason? They have made the gospel of Jesus Christ the center of their lives. This is what will pull us through whatever comes our way. We will still experience difficult challenges, but we will be able to face them, to meet them head-on, and to emerge victorious."

If we choose to have the gospel at the center of our lives, if we choose to have faith in Jesus Christ, if we choose to be steadfast and be of good cheer, we will emerge victorious! Isn't it awesome? :) I know that this is true.

Now, I just want to say that choosing happiness doesn't mean that we're never going to feel sad or disappointed or have bad days. I know that depression is a real issue. But, I also know that as we move forward with the language of faith and of hope and hold to the good instead of the bad that we will find happiness. That happiness may not come in this life. We may never be entirely rid of certain demons or thoughts or attitudes until after this life. But Heavenly Father promises that as we have faith in Him and keep His commandments we will have peace. You can still be sad and at peace. You can still be depressed and have peace.

I want to leave you all with this wonderful talk from President Monson to check out. :) My challenge is to be of good cheer. Choose to be happy now. :)

"Be of Good Cheer" Talk

P.S. Sometimes the way we can choose to be happy is by choosing to go get ice cream. Just sayin'. ;)


Ryan and Michelle said...

Michelle and I enjoy reading your posts!

First, the bonus points... Follow the Prophet - the last verse - and thanks for getting that stuck in my head :).

My favorite scripture phrase is "Look to God and live" which reminds me that things in life will not always go how we would like them to or think they should, but life still goes on and who we look to for support during difficult times will always be up to us.

Erin G. said...

I love that scriptural phrase as well! It also makes me think about how Christ is called the Bread of Life or the Living Water. He's our support and our nourishment through the good and the bad times. :)

Giving Up

Hi all! It's been a while since I wrote a blog post. . . A long, long while actually. 8 months. Yikes! Life has been crazy. I'm in...