Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Time Just Seems to Fly

It's already March! Can you believe it? *sigh* Where does the time go?

Right now it's Spring Break for WSU so I have a whole week off to play, read, sing, write, and catch up on my k-pop. I like this whole not having school business. :) But don't think that I'm just being a lazy bum. The past two weeks I've really been pushing and working to get my mission papers all done. I've already gone to the doctors and have a dentist appointment tomorrow. Then I'll be able to turn my papers in!

It's crazy to think that soon I could be out in the mission field serving the Lord for 18 months. Crazy, but exciting. And a little daunting. I've been thinking a lot about time lately. Time is such a relative thing. Looking forward something can seem so far away and unreachable, then looking back you realize how far you've come. It's important to live every moment to the fullest, but it's also important to take time to reflect on the past and plan for the future. I only have one life to live and I want to live it to its full potential.

The other day I heard this song come on the radio by Daughtry that just seems to fit my life called "September" about friendship and changes, looking to the future and reflecting on the past. It's a really great song. So go ahead and have a listen!

Also, I have written a couple songs of my own that I'm thinkng of putting up on YouTube and sharing on my blog since the songwriting festival I was going to participate in kind of fell through on me (they didn't have a piano at the venue, which was really disappointing). So, I think I'll film those and put them up before Spring Break ends.

Anyway, time really does just seem to fly. So make the most out of this week! ;)

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