Thursday, February 9, 2012

February Update

Right now it's 1:14 a.m. I just got done editing the prologue of The Elements. I've always kind of dreaded editing, but I'm enjoying the process a lot more than I thought I would. It's been over a year since I've looked at this book. For those of you who don't know, this is the first book I ever wrote and after it got rejected by all the publishers I sent it to I just stuck it in a drawer and moved on. But the other night I just had the urge to pull it out again. Editing it I can see how much I've changed and learned since I wrote that book. I can see why editors rejected it. (FYI, active voice is a whole lot better than passive voice for making a story interesting). Haha. But, I'm going back to the manuscript and re-writing. I'm going to polish it up, make it the best story it can be.

School is going well, but I'm losing my motivation. I like school, I really do. I like my classes and I'm learning a lot in them. But I'd rather be writing. I'd rather be editing. I'd rather be on a mission.

It's so easy to get into this mindset of "I wish" or "I'd rather". But I know that even though writing and blowing off school is what I'd rather be doing, it's not what the Lord wants me to be doing rigt now. And even though I'd rather be on a mission than in school, that's not what the Lord wants me doing right now either. All things have their time and season. I just need to remember that and be thankful for the season I'm in now. :)

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