Monday, December 13, 2010

Rest, Relaxation, and Other Random Thoughts

Phew. I made it, people! I survived finals! I survived another semester! And I passed all my classes! Let's celebrate. :)

To celebrate I got sick over the weekend, which is always fun. But I spent the time reading and having Monk and SNSD Hello Baby marathons. I love reading so so much! It makes me happy. Then Monk is just a given to make you feel better if you're down, as is Hello Baby. And yes, Hello Baby IS a Korean show. And I love it. Its uber cute. :) Please to view these pictures.

This is SNSD Hello Baby.

And this is SHINee Hello Baby. These shows make me so happy, I can't even tell you. If you need a pick me up, I suggest you watch them. It's so nice to be out of school for a while! Rest and Relaxation, baby! :)

I've been thinking a lot about the future lately and what I want to do with the rest of my life and I've realized something. A lot of my life is controled or decided by fear. Fear of failure, fear of ridicule, fear of being unhappy. Fear, fear, fear. But as I was thinking the other night about what to major in, what career to pursue, mission or no mission, etc. I remembered an experience I had at the end of April. My iPod was on shuffle and I was lying in bed thinking (I think a lot. haha). At the time I wasn't really happy with my life. I felt helpless and directionless. I felt like I didn't have a place. But then on came Carrie Underwoods "Ever Ever After." One phrase inparticular stood out to me:

"Unafraid, unashamed, there is joy to be claimed in this world. You even might wind up being glad to be you."

And I got to thinking. Why can't I live like that? Be unafraid and unashamed? Why should I care what others think of me? Why should I wait to start living my life. I always say things like "When I'm published" or "When I lose weight". But why should I wait?

That's what started it all. The most amazing summer of my life where I learned and grew so much. I've made the above phrase my motto that I try to live my life by. I want to claim my joy. The song also talks about how dreams and fairytales still come true and that everybody wants to believe they do. And I really believe that. People don't want to care what others think about them. They want to fulfill their goals and live life to the fullest. They want to have joy. Everyone wishes their life was a fairytale.

But most people are too paralyzed by doubt or disbelief to chase their dreams. Have you ever noticed how the greatest fairytales usually involve the main character taking action? Taking the first step. Breaking out of the ordinary. Belle goes looking for her father. Cinderella goes to the ball.

The point is that if you want things to happen, you have to make them happen. And don't let the doubters or people who can't see the fairies get you down. (P.S. That's a Fablehaven reference. Gotta love Fablehaven.)

Sometimes I just need to remind myself of things the Lord has already taught me. Like don't be afraid. You can do hard things. Pursue your dreams and goals and be happy in the process.

So, in honor of this thought, here is Carrie Underwoods "Ever Ever After" Music Video. :) Have a great week!

P.S. Elder Uchtdorf gave a great talk that goes along well with the theme today. Here's the link. :)

Your Happily Ever After

Giving Up

Hi all! It's been a while since I wrote a blog post. . . A long, long while actually. 8 months. Yikes! Life has been crazy. I'm in...