Oh boy, so many things happening. So I figured I'd stop in and update you all before my finals and before my mind completely turns to mush.
Last week I gave my two presentations. For my English class I ultimately decided to do the Power Rangers. My friend Ash did Pokemon, so we got together and made sugar cookies to take to class.
Don't those just look so delicious? It took us like two hours to decorate them. But it was kind of therapeutic. Maybe if you're nice to me I will make you Power Ranger cookies sometime. :)
Then I gave my speech which went well. And guess what? Yesterday I gave my last speech of the semester!!!! Yay!!!! Jump up and down with me, it's fun! But, alas, I still have to take the final. Then there is my final for Sociology. I think that's all the finals I have. But I do have big long papers and other things due in my other two classes. *Sigh* I'm very ready for summer.
So, I've been trying to decide on my schedule for next fall. I've officially signed up for two classes. Both are just gen ed requirements, science requirements to be specific. But other than that I'm really not sure what to take. My problem? I don't officially have a major. Since I'm basically done with my gen ed requirements, what classes does that leave me to take without a major?
I'm torn between majoring in English Teaching and English with Creative Writing emphasis. Last night I even made a list of pros and cons for each. The pros list was longer for English Teaching, but then again so was the cons. Even though I love Creative Writing, there's just not much I could do with it that I enjoy. You all know I want to be an author. That's my dream job. It's what I love. But let's be realistic. What are the chances of me being published? Of being a full-time author? They're not very good and despite my wish to be optimistic I have to think about my future. With teaching I'd have a basically guaranteed career. But I don't think I have the chops to be a teacher. I love English. I love reading and writing. But disciplining kids who want nothing to do with reading or writing? I don't think I could do it.
So, I am torn. Gosh, I get so nervous just thinking about having to make this decision so soon. I only graduated high school last year and now I'm supposed to choose the field I want to go in to for the rest of my life? I can't buy alcohol, but I'm supposed to plan my whole future (not that I would buy alcohol, mind you)? Am I the only one who thinks this is ridiculous?
But on the up side school is almost over, the LDS Story Makers Conference is almost a week away as well as my birthday! I can't even begin to tell you how excited I am! This will be the perfect ending to my first year of college. And I'll have so much time to read all the books I've been buying! :D
One book I just finished is called "Lemon Tart" by Josi Kilpack. It's a culinary murder mystery and has about 7 recipes in it. Tonight I made the alfredo and brownies that were in the book. They were so good. Just the kind of comfort food I needed to help me stay happy. :)
Another thing helping me make it through this last stretch of school? My friends. Staci made a spontanious visit this weekend. Here is a picture. :)
She's so great. She lets me rant to her about how I have no idea what I'm going to do for the rest of my life. I love her lots. :)
Then there are my other buddies- Ashley, Ashley, and Megan. Today we went to a park and played on the swings. It was so fun. I'd forgotten how much stress you could release by swinging. It feels like you're flying. I highly recommend you try it sometime.
Well, that's about all I've got. My brain is nearing mush state. I'm trying to not think about the papers I still have to write and should probably start tonight. Instead I think I'll watch NCIS or read. Maybe tomorrow my brain will have solidified. *Sigh* Goodnight blogosphere. :)
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