Tuesday, March 30, 2010

"Cheer up, the worst is yet to come."

Can you believe March is almost over already? Time sure does fly by when you do the same thing day in and day out. :)

First of all, the fifth and final Fablehaven book is out!

Second of all, I haven't finished it yet so don't tell me how it ends! ;)

So next week I have two presentations to get through. One is for my English 3080 class, in which I must (and I quote) "choose any 'text' (e.g., object, image, artwork, consumer good, food/drink, style, trend, hobby, etc.) and prepare a seven-minute presentation for the class." I have to interpret my "text" like I would a novel.

I'm still in between texts at the moment. There are a couple ideas I have floating around my head. What do y'all think?

-Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: I could do either a racial analysis or a feminist analysis. Did you ever notice how the yellow Power Ranger was Asian, the black Power Ranger was African American, and all of the white Power Rangers had red, white, and blue costumes except for the pink Power Ranger who was a stereotyped ditsy California girl? Fishy . . .

-Chocolate: I could do a feminist analysis of this probably. Talk about Dove's new campaign geared towards women or how pretty much any chocolate commercial is geared towards women. Then I could take in free samples for the class which can help hide the fact that my presentation wasn't very good! Haha! :)

-Ties: Why do men wear neck ties? What's the history behind them? Why can't women wear neck ties? Or, do you remember that fad with them back in the early 2000's? Like Avril Lavine? I'm still not sure what I could say about this, but it would be interesting right?

So, those are the three I'm stuck between. I'm leaning towards Power Rangers, but what do you think, my lovely anonymous blog readers?

Then I have a speech for my Communications 1020 class. It's the Speech to Persuade (sounds very intimidating, doesn't it?). You want to know what my topic is that I have to persuade people on?

Executive Compensation.

Want to know the position I'm supposed to take on the matter?

For it.

Yes, I have to argue FOR Executive Compensation. After doing a bit of research today I'm a bit down-hearted. Nobody seems to like the idea of executive compensation very much. There are not any positive facts and all the people I've found for it that I could quote all do finances for the CEO's. My professor says we're supposed to think like lawyers to defend our position. I'm not feeling too optimistic for my chances of winning my "case".

BUT!!!! But the good news is that the end is in sight! By April 22nd (which happens to be my birthday, ahem) I will be completely finished with my first full year of college and off to Provo for my first official overnighter writers conference! Woohoo! And then it's off to St. George with some of my girlies to bask in the sun. Doesn't it sound glorious?

Isn't that picture pretty? I can't wait until the sunshine and warmth! It's thoughts of birthdays and friends and writing that are getting me through this final stretch of the semester.

So, cheer up! The worst is yet to come! ;)

1 comment:

Staci Watkins said...

I like the power ranger and chocolate ideas the best for your presentation (I like the bringing chocolate to class idea...). You've probably decided already for your presentation, but I thought I'd let you know my favorites anyway. And St. George sounds like fun! I bet it'll be really warm, which sounds so nice right now. I'm excited to hear about all the fun things you girls do. Love you!

Giving Up

Hi all! It's been a while since I wrote a blog post. . . A long, long while actually. 8 months. Yikes! Life has been crazy. I'm in...